Why you should control how you spend your time?
Do you want to identify where you should reduce your time spent, and in what you need to better dedicate it?
Do you know how many hours you worked last week? Do you know how many hours you spend on leisure? How many hours have you spent on social media? How many hours have you spent on obligations? Probably the answer is "no" and you don’t even realize how much of your time is being wasted.
Toggl is an application that helps you track your hours by recording periods in different activities and presenting graphs and statistics to give you insights into the use of your hours.
Want to discover this simple and powerful tool that can greatly increase your productivity?
How to make an outstanding thesis?
Do you know how to write good reports and a thesis following all the rules?
The course completion thesis is a phase present in the life of most university students. It is a very long-awaited stage, since it consists of a milestone at the end of the graduation course, however, at the same time, it is also often feared, since it can be a great challenge for the majority, mainly due to the pressure that arises.
Even without a final thesis, reports are a recurring task for many careers, in addition to being present in the school and university environment, so you must learn to do them well.
Want to learn some essential features of good reports and discover tips to help you in this process?
How to use LinkedIn?
Have you been using the professional social network to your advantage?
LinkedIn emerged in 2003 and has already changed recruitment processes worldwide through the construction of a professional profile and the possibility of interacting even internationally.
The benefits of having an account in this network are diverse and apply to all areas. The sooner you start nurturing and growing your networking, the better to get more career opportunities professionally.
Are you already a LinkedIn user? Use this social network? If you want to find out how to create a champion profile, be sure to read the text and see the manual.
How to use PowerPoint?
Do you know how to create quality presentations?
Although extremely common in people’s routine, PowerPoint presentations are still done incorrectly constantly.
Not only exaggerate the amount of text present in the slides, but also the lack of formatting of the elements in the available area are errors easily found in our daily lives.
Want to discover the essence of a great presentation? Want to learn how to make your slides much more attractive and aesthetically pleasing?
Modify, for the better, your presentations with slides and impress people, transmitting more strongly your message!
Do you know how to learn?
Do you know the 70-20-10 learning model?
Have you been frustrated with studying and not absorbing the content effectively? Do you feel you can’t keep the information useful from what you’ve learned?
Discover the 70-20-10 learning model that proposes the distribution of learning on three different fronts in order to consolidate the teachings.
Change your way of learning to make it more effective and realize the advantageous results from the practical application of your knowledge, while also enjoying formal learning.
How to stay qualified?
Do you know the importance of adopting a lifelong learning mentality?
Do you feel that college has not prepared you enough? That the market needs more and more new studies?
To be able to keep up with a very dynamic world, which undergoes almost daily evolutions, one must know how to adapt to transformations.
For this, it is necessary to be in continuous learning in order to have knowledge of what happens around you and be able to develop and improve amid recurring changes.
Find out more about the lifelong learning mindset and its immense importance in the contemporary world, especially in the professional sphere.
Why should you meditate?
How to make meditation a habit with Lojong?
Often when it comes to meditation people think of monks who spend their lives praying in monasteries, without talking or socializing with others.
In addition to this religious version of meditation, there are several other techniques of meditative practice that are very beneficial to health, which allows you to stop, self-knowledge and self-assessment.
The Lojong is a practical application developed by experts that contains guided meditations to help, especially at the beginning of contact with practice.
Discover the importance of meditation and how to use Lojong to your advantage.
How to use Canva?
How can Canva help you in different situations?
Do you know Canva? The art and graphic design editing tool that has become very popular?
Understand how it can simplify your life even if you’re not a designer, YouTuber, influencer, or blogger.
Professionally, it can be used to create everything from custom graphics to full presentations. And on a personal level, from resumes to Stories can be developed.
Learn everything you need to know about this platform and start creating beautiful and creative arts with ease today.
Do you want to be productive?
Why is productivity one of the most sought-after skills?
Productivity, a word so spoken and a goal so established in the world today...
Do you know what factors directly or indirectly affect your productivity? Do you know that being positive about an activity makes you perform better than when you are neutral, sad or angry?
Some understandings about what it is to be productive are essential for you to be more efficient in performing your tasks. Especially, knowing how to prioritize and focus your attention and effort on what really makes sense in your life.
Meet the productivity villains and start applying the practical tips to eliminate them from your life today!
How to set good goals?
Why is it important to have clear and well-defined life goals?
They are the ones who translate our wishes and define where we want to go and who we want to be.
Without having goals we do not leave our comfort zone and therefore do not develop and evolve.
Do you know what your biggest goals are? Or which ones are more urgent?
And do you know the difference between goal, goal and life purpose? Come and discover the difference between these terms as well as the importance of each of them.
What skills do you need?
What are the most sought-after skills today?
What are the characteristics most desired by the market? The answer to this question corresponds to the skills of the future.
What do you believe is in demand in the world, and how can you prepare to meet expectations? It’s good that you continually ask yourself.
Knowing some of the most sought-after qualities today and with the prospect of continuing so for a long time so that you focus your personal development.
What is the importance of prioritizing?
How does the Eisenhower Matrix help you set priorities?
Always with busy schedules and many plans to accomplish, a big common mistake nowadays is to dedicate yourself to the things that are urgent and forget, or leave aside, the activities that are important and help you achieve your goals.
Do you identify yourself? Do you feel you are always busy but rarely doing something that provides important results?
We must know how to prioritize and focus on tasks that add to us in some way, because they are the ones that, especially in the long term, will lead us to our personal success.
Why use Duolingo?
What are the benefits and importance of knowing a foreign language?
Learning another language is an important brain exercise that provides several advantages, including cultural, professional, and even mental.
In addition, it is a highly sought-after soft skill in the job market. Knowing English today is a general prerequisite, and a second language is usually expected.
Duolingo is a very practical and easy-to-use language learning app. It has exercises developed by professionals following a logical sequence and that trains writing, listening, interpretation, and grammar.
Learn more about this application and the benefits of its regular use.
Are women really multitasking?
Is multitasking possible? How does it work?
One of the main features that comes to people’s minds when they think of the predominant capabilities in the female sex is multitasking. Do women really have this skill more developed than men?
Some predominant characteristics in one sex can be explained biologically, while others are reflexes of social organization.
Discover some myths and truths of the female gender, mainly related to multitasking.
How to improve your habits?
How to track your habits to be able to modify them?
Have you ever heard of the 21-day theory to create a habit? Do you have habits you would like to change? Society makes us fit more and more standards in order to achieve greater productivity, better results and more health.
However, we are saturated with so many daily commitments and responsibilities that we often end up living completely in the automatic, without realizing the attitudes we take.
These become habits and can be, in the long run, completely harmful. That’s why it’s so important to keep a habit tracker to be able to track them, analyze them and change them, if necessary.
Why develop your logical reasoning?
What is the importance and benefits of logic in our lives?
Logical reasoning is present daily in almost all the activities performed, even if you do not act in anything related to the area of exact, because logic is not only used to solve mathematical problems.
The development of this important skill is fundamental to ensure a good position in the market because it guarantees several benefits, from physical to mental health, as well as better performance of everyday tasks.
How are you taking care of your reasoning? Has it stimulated you? Or do you constantly feel that you could be making decisions more assertively?
How to set goals?
How to define smart goals and reach them with 7waves?
Do you procrastinate a lot by not knowing how to perform an activity? Or have no idea how to start something? Goal planning is what will help you overcome these barriers! They will guide you and focus you so that you can achieve your goals and dreams.
Goals are a set of tasks that need to be completed to get where you want. They need to have some specific characteristics to be considered good, and it is only these that have an effective completion rate.
How to use Trello?
How to use Trello to get organized?
Have you heard of Trello? Do you know how this tool can help you plan, organize and divide tasks? Especially for team activities?
Trello was developed for project management, but its uses today go much further.
It's an excellent application to have in your team, or even for your own use, because as well as being easy to use, it's dynamic, interactive and allows for various configurations that help organize processes and obligations.
Have you heard of Trello? Do you know how this tool can help you plan, organize and divide tasks? Especially for team activities?
Trello was developed for project management, but its uses today go much further.
It's an excellent application to have in your team, or even for your own use, because as well as being easy to use, it's dynamic, interactive and allows for various configurations that help organize processes and obligations.
How to use Google Forms?
How to create a Google form?
Have you ever needed to create a form and didn't know how? Have you ever wanted to facilitate a process, usually registration or opinion polls, and couldn't create a form? Have you answered several forms and always wanted to learn how to make one?
Forms have many functions and are being used more and more every day for different tasks. The most common, easiest, most practical, and free is Google Forms.
They can be used to obtain anonymous or non-anonymous data and facilitate the process of analyzing this data. The range of uses is very wide and involves everything from feedback to evaluation tests.
What are Hard Skills?
How to stand out in this aspect?
Hard skills are technical skills that are measurable and can be learned easily. Each area of activity has a set of important skills that are specific to the job. Even so, nowadays, with all the digital technology, various skills are highly valued in almost all of them. Knowing a minimum of virtual tools is considered essential today, since without them, you can't connect to the online world, which is becoming more and more present every day.